Poland the Beauty (nature and landscape pictures)

Poland the Beauty (nature and landscape pictures)

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Discover beautiful nature and landscape pictures from Poland.

One of the most rewarding gifts that a person can enjoy is to look at the beauty of nature. Our earth offers us extraordinaire views in order to remind us that beauty is a universal treasure that is worth to preserve.

Poland is still a rather unknown country among nature lovers. But mistakenly so. Poland is full of beautiful nature, especially their mountains and forests. There are also a number of national parks all over the country that are worth a visits

Places of particular beauty in Poland are:

  • the Bialowieza forest
  • the Sloweinski Sand Dunes
  • the Masurian Lakeland
  • and the Tatra Mountains

Bialwieza Forest

The Bialwieza forest is part of the Unesco cultural heritage. Furthermore it is home to around 800 European bisons, the last remaining primeval forests and 500-year-old oaks. It’s a lush forest that you as a nature lover should put on your list!

Sloweinski Sand Dunes

Other really beautiful places are the Sloweinski Sand Dunes and the white sandy beaches in the north of Poland, which partly look like a desert.

Masurian Lakeland

There are more than 2000 lakes in the region of Masuria. Many of them are the ideal place to relax.

Tatra Mountains

The Tatra is the most famous mountain range that stretches over Poland and Slovakia. The highest peak of the mountain (2 499 m) in Poland is in Zakopane, the most popular mountain village in the country. The place itself is not recommended because it is full of tourists, but the surrounding nature is breathtaking.

The Tatras is a natural wonderland full of fairytale landscapes. The valleys, pastures, forests, lakes and countless other unique geological wonders there make this part of the Carpathians an incredibly beautiful and impressive place on our planet. It is highly recommended to visit the Tatras in the low season. And if you are already there, treat yourself to a little Tatra Tea. A very tasty schnapps that can only be bought in the region. It is available in many alcohol levels and flavours.

But pictures say more than a thousand words. Therefore I would like to give you in the following nature and landscape pictures a small insight into the beauty of Poland and the Tatra, which I encountered on my journeys.

It is up to all of us to protect this fragile beauty of our earth.


Do you want to see more beautiful nature and landscape pictures from all around the world? Here you can find an overview of all uploaded galleries so far. They are many more to come! Stay tuned!


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